Sensory Integration Therapy

Available in – North Brisbane, South Brisbane, Logan, Gold Coast, Lockyer Valley and Toowoomba

Therapists To Help Sensory Processing Issues

Every living thing processes sensation. Our brains and bodies are processing sensory information all the time including sight, touch, taste, sound, and smell, as well as movement, body positioning, and even our organs. Processing sensation gives life meaning – if we can’t make sense of our senses, we can’t make sense of the world around us.

The Do Network therapists can help people experiencing sensory processing difficulties by supporting their ability to regulate their nervous system, attention, movement, and emotion with increased independence. We do this by assessing a person’s sensory preferences, creating a sensory profile, and setting meaningful goals. We then work closely with the individual to see how we can support sensory sensitivities, sensory seeking behaviours, low registration of sensory input, and/or sensory avoidance to help them engage effectively in everyday activities.

Tailored Sensory Integration Activities

Intervention is person-centred and tailored to the individual - This might be providing a routine with large, heavy movements for kids who are always on the move, or promoting body awareness for the person who always seems to be bumping into walls and tripping over their own feet. We look for self-regulating strategies or providing equipment to support the individual who is overwhelmed in noisy and bright environments. We help you to understand body cues and how this relates to your emotional awareness and understanding.

We aim to support the individual to make sense of their senses so that they can engage meaningfully in their world and the world around them.